Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Austin 7-9 Month Pics

As you can see, Austin is no longer a small infant. Instead, he's quite the little tot. He is sitting up on his own and just beginning to crawl. His favorite activity is bouncing in his rainforest jumper. He can bounce nonstop for atleast 20 minutes (which caused him to develop blisters on his feet) while laughing the entire time. Austin is all boy, but still has a sweet sensitive side. He loves to snuggle and give slobbery kisses. He also has a shy side which is exposed when someone he loves (besides mom or dad) greets him with a big smile, in which case he is quick to bury his smiling face into mom or dad's chest before revealing a large bashful grin....then repeating this cuteness again and again... Hope you enjoy these pictures...


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